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Effective December 8, 2019, the Governor of American Samoa, Hon. Lolo M. Moliga, has declared a continuation of the public health emergency initially declared on November 13, 2019.

As a result of this declaration the following directives are in effect:

1 - ALL public and private schools, Early Childhood Centers, kindergartens, and daycares are to closed until further notice.

2 - ALL public gathering including but not limited to bingo halls, church functions (i.e. rallies, car washes, fundraisers, and picnics), Christmas parties, gathering at public parks, 1st and 3rd Friday events at the Market place, flight night gatherings (only travelers permitted) are to be cancelled.

3 - ALL village councils are to enforce curfews and discourage public gatherings.

4 - ALL children one (1) year old and younger and all pregnant women should stay home but keep prenatal appointments as scheduled.

5 - ALL parents with children six (6) months and older who have not been vaccinated should report to the DOH clinics in Faga'alu and Tafuna to receive their vaccination shots. If parents are in need of a ride, they cal the DOH hotline to arrange transport at 633-5781, 633-5782, or 633-5822.

6 - ALL those who need to apply for or retrieve food stamp and WIC benefits and/or receive child care assistance must have proof of MMR immunization to enter the ASNAP, ASWIC, and the Child Care offices.

7 - ALL Entry Permits and Entry Permit Waivers for those traveling through the Independent State of Samoa and the Kingdom of Tonga are suspended until further notice. Only entry permits and entry permit waivers for medical emergency situations will be approved but MUST be reviewed by the Governor's Office for final approval.

8 - ALL aliens present in the Territory as of today that are without a lawful status and considered an "overstayer" will qualify to apply for amnesty upon receiving a vaccination and presenting confirmation from DOH. Those alien overstayers with felony convictions are not eligible to apply, however, the Immigration Board is given broad discretion in evaluation applicants character otherwise. The numerical limitations of A.S.C.A. 41.0301 are suspended in accordance with A.S.C.A. 26.01015(g)(b). This amnesty program will last for 30 days, concurrent with this Declaration, and registration will begin December 9 at the Immigration Office. At the end of 30 days, this program will close for registration.

9 - ALL residents of American Samoa, traveling to and from affected countries will be subject to Department of Public Health screening policies and examination to ensure compliance with measles vaccinations at all ports of entry.

10 - ALL waters subject to the control of the American Samoa Government are hereby closed to all private vessels, including fishing vessels, unless vessel obtains prior approval from the American Samoa Government to navigate our waters.

11 - The EOC (Emergency Operations Center) is to provide support to first responders and general information to the public on vaccination and treatment locations. They are to direct individuals to DOH and LBJ for appropriate medical responses as necessary.

12 - This emergency declaration extends to the entire Territory of American Samoa, including all islands, ports, waters, and areas subject to the control of the American Samoa Government.

13 - The duration of this public health emergency and state of emergency shall be extended for another thirty (30) days from today and shall be further extended if necessary upon consultation with the Director of the Department of Public Health and LBJ.

You can download a copy of the declaration from our website by clicking here.

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